April Foolin’

Just a few days ago, the year’s greatest holiday came and went – April Fools Day.  Throughout my time at Thacher, I’d never really understood why people liked April Fools so much.  Yes, the pranks were clever, but I never quite got the hype.  This year, I finally came to understand.  Directly after check-in, the […]

Good Holiday!

Nothing is better than a good holiday, even one you see coming. Although I may have ignored the piles of homework waiting on my desk, this holiday was one of the best I’ve spent. A great dance and some midnight guacamole followed by waffles and bacon in town and a trip to the pool all […]

Loving the Rain

Southern California was always advertised to me as having beautiful weather: the stereotypical sun and 75 degrees all year round. Coming from Chicago, I found this a welcome change; after all, like I mentioned in an earlier blog, three snow days in a row is only fun while you’re on the snow days– the days […]