Curtains Up!

Just four days ago, the cast and crew took our bows for the final show of “Curtains,” our winter musical.  It is hard to believe that, after all that hard work over two months, it ended in just three nights of shows.  But what months those two were!  Although exhausting at times, it was such a fulfilling show to pull together.  Because Thacher students work on theater projects on top of our extra-curriculars and academics rather than in place of them, us performers and techies can feel a bit overwhelmed at times.  But it was an incredible feeling to take those closing night bows, no matter how tired I was.  Now, as I sit in the library during study hall, unsure what to do with all of my free time, I reminisce on the show a bit more.  To sum it all up, there was no better way to have spent the winter trimester of my senior year!