My Little Pony (sort of)

At some point in her life, a little girl imagines her perfect pony. Small or big, black or white (or pink if she was like me), long mane or short, everyone had a vision. This spring I got mine. His name was JJ, and he was beautiful. On the smaller side, black-brown, regal and sweet as could be; he was my little black stallion. The only problem: he was a little insane. Over the past four weeks, he and I have been working on getting over his excitement/fear of gymkhana races. JJ believes that any race is an excuse to go at an all-out gallop; I however, don’t really ride like that. I’m more of a slow-medium lope kind of girl. Therefore, I’ve been working with him to learn that races don’t need to be a place of fear and excitement—they can simply be a nice run. So far, it has been interesting, and not entirely successful–yet slowly but surely we will get there. Who knows what the next four weeks will be like!