Loving the Rain

Southern California was always advertised to me as having beautiful weather: the stereotypical sun and 75 degrees all year round. Coming from Chicago, I found this a welcome change; after all, like I mentioned in an earlier blog, three snow days in a row is only fun while you’re on the snow days– the days after are pretty miserable. I embraced the sun and warmth of Southern California like a long lost friend.
But there comes a time every year when everything changes, and the rain comes. Nothing is more beautiful to me than Southern California engulfed in rain. It rarely pours, and even less frequently are there thunderstorms, but the constant drizzle for two or three days in a row makes me happier than anything else. It reminds me of home, it reminds me that not everything is perfect, but most of all, it reminds me that there are few places as wonderful to curl up in as my dry, warm bed.