Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

With each passing day the realization of the new year dawns on me more and more. I cannot believe it is 2013. We made it! THE WORLD IS STILL HERE!! Nevertheless, I find myself recapping 2012. It was a great year to say the least. Full of joy, tears, hard work, sweat, long nights, laughter, […]

Soccer is here

Soccer season has commenced!! We are off to a great start. I would have to say the best part of practices is the view. From Upper Field, we watch the sun set behind the mountains every day. Ojai is getting colder, but the sun is still shining faithfully. We have regular fires in our common […]

Noting the Beauty

I can’t believe it.  What?  Look around you!  I see shrubs.  You have got to be kidding me! There is a common, unknown disease that many Thacher students often succumb to. I like to call it the I-always-forget-and-fail-to-notice-how-beautiful-this-valley-is disease. I, like many of my peers, have recently encountered this problem. Luckily, all it took was […]

Ten Things I Missed Most about Thacher

10. The Ojai Sunsets-majestic and beautiful, they’re like none other in the world 9. Munch-outs- Nothing beats ending a day eating ice-cream, cookies, and other snacks while hanging with your prefect group. 8. Open House- I still remember my disbelief at the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan have the whole school over every Saturday night, but now […]