Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

With each passing day the realization of the new year dawns on me more and more. I cannot believe it is 2013. We made it! THE WORLD IS STILL HERE!! Nevertheless, I find myself recapping 2012. It was a great year to say the least. Full of joy, tears, hard work, sweat, long nights, laughter, excitement, disappointment, and amazing memories.

There is one thing left on my mind this year… TIME. I am realizing that time is truly of the essence and I only have so long left at this amazing place called Thacher. As we enter the New Year I am finding the beauty in all of the little things. Spending time with my friends, going out to eat, homework, practice, and classes. All these trivial things have become the most important in my life. I want to cherish every moment of this year, and I’m sure most of the senior class feels the same way. I want to spend time with my friends, go on runs/hikes, watch the sunrise and the sunset, ride a horse again, and enjoy my senior basketball season. It may be my last time playing basketball at a competitive level and I want to make sure that I leave everything on the court.

As I think of what my life will be without Thacher, I am afraid of the unknown. Will I love college as much as a love this place? Although the fear of what comes next dwells in my head, I know that my time here at Thacher will be well spent. So, I say “Adios!” to 2012, and welcome the new year with open arms. I just know it will be a year of an excellent adventure.