Math Alive!

Academic experiences at Thacher are so incredible, that it’s hard to choose one that’s stood out of the many I’ve had so far. Being in a classroom at Thacher means that you’re paying attention, bouncing ideas around the room, or listening to your peers’ papers, which sometimes sound as if they were written by college […]

Doors Closing, Doors Opening

This evening, I enjoyed the blessing, (or was it a curse?) of having my independent proposal rejected. You may ask, where is the blessing in the cold, impersonal, yet-all-too familiar phrase I am sorry to inform you… followed inevitably by the trillion-ton anvil of rejection. To tell you the truth, I, myself, was unaware of any positives […]

In the Quiet

Catching some zzzs…Many nights welcome sleepers as they drag themselves away from that last page of English reading to collapse under the covers at some ungodly hour. In fact, collapse is how I would best describe the process of going to sleep at Thacher. Once your brain and body have been sufficiently tested throughout the […]

Sal, as in Salsa

My horse’s name is Sal, pronounced as in Salsa. Sal is chocolate brown and his fur is softer than any other horse on campus. He never complains, (at least not verbally) and has two ears open. When you have problems, you can always confide in your trustworthy horse. Also, your horse is similar to a therapist, […]

Imagine It!

I can’t believe Parent’s Weekend starts tomorrow. It seems like such a short time ago my parents were dropping me off, a terrified kid who didn’t know anybody. It’s hard to believe that I’ve adjusted to life at Thacher in just six short weeks. Even though I came with riding experience, I never imagined I’d […]


Change. Coming back to Thacher after being away for three months, one cannot help but spot the changes. From changes in perception (like Casa looking so much smaller!) to huge, million-dollar architectural changes, the campus is a bit different. We have mostly the same cast of characters from last year (minus the seniors and plus the […]