My Favorite Class?

My favorite class? Math, although at some points challenging I thoroughly enjoy learning about new algebraic concepts and seeing how previous learned concepts come together to help me solve a specific program. I have for some time now enjoyed this subject. It is the easiest for me to follow, I like numbers not words so […]

A New Kind of Bond

One thing that I have discovered that I really appreciate about Thacher is the bond that the students share with the teachers. At my middle school, teachers were just teachers: the somewhat scary adult figures that teach your classes. But at Thacher, your teachers are your mentors and even friends. I always feel like all […]

No Slacking

Oh, math.  My arch-nemesis since age five and something I could never imagine being good at let alone liking.  But leave it to Thacher to turn my most loathed subject into a favorite!  Our teacher, Mr. Fagan, makes sure to thoroughly explain all the concepts and we have fun with diagrams and computer programs in […]

Lucky Break

Last Friday I walked into a math test feeling somewhat concerned about my lack of studying the night before, and by lack I mean NO studying. But I had paid attention during class and felt that despite my lack of studying I knew the material well enough to get by, as long as the problems […]

The Death of M&Ms + Math

To spice up our math study, Mr. Fagan, my math teacher, has been introducing us to the world of exponential functions through the use of food. Last week we used M&M’s for our “All the M&M’s Are Dying” lab. For the lab we were given a cup of M&Ms which we had to count and […]

Math Alive!

Academic experiences at Thacher are so incredible, that it’s hard to choose one that’s stood out of the many I’ve had so far. Being in a classroom at Thacher means that you’re paying attention, bouncing ideas around the room, or listening to your peers’ papers, which sometimes sound as if they were written by college […]