
This weekend, I went back home and pulled my riding boots from freshman year out of the very back of my closet. They were still pretty dirty, with the spurs buckled on and definitely felt more snug than I remembered. For the first time in three years, I am going to ride again! As spring […]

Senior Exhibition

I am so excited by my senior exhibition project (a year-long research project in a field of choice mandatory for all seniors) looking into Street Art used for social change. When I began, I was mostly inspired by one relatively well-known artist and only hopeful that I would find more artists like him using his […]

Sunday Morning

Four years have not yet taught me to make a good smoothie. Every Sunday brunch I try, yet my experiments in banana-strawberry-mango proportions never seem to lead to perfection, let alone edibility. There we were, all the same, drinking our viscous strawberry sludge on the Pergola while studying for art history, engrossed in our work, […]

Amnesty Weekend

You might assume that a boarding school in the idyllic Ojai mountains would be isolated from the concerns of the rest of the world, but my past weekend trip proves the opposite:  the school’s Amnesty International club organized a trip for a dozen students to downtown Los Angeles for Amnesty’s annual western regional conference. After […]


envelope– “a flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.” Seemingly innocuous strips of processed trees, a bit of adhesive (typically used in the particularly unsanitary work of licking the envelope closed), some clever folding and you have an envelope… one of some thousand–trillion- bajillion that crawl through the […]


I am a nature junkie. I could spend my days perfectly content beneath a willow tree… watching for the sun’s pink entrances and exits, and being entertained by the pursuits of ladybugs. However, it is too often that we forget the value of nature as our speeding lives rarely allow for the appreciation of a […]

Doors Closing, Doors Opening

This evening, I enjoyed the blessing, (or was it a curse?) of having my independent proposal rejected. You may ask, where is the blessing in the cold, impersonal, yet-all-too familiar phrase I am sorry to inform you… followed inevitably by the trillion-ton anvil of rejection. To tell you the truth, I, myself, was unaware of any positives […]