A Day in My Life

When thinking about this month’s Toad Blog, I asked my roommate what she as a perspective student had been most curious about. Her answer: day-to-day life. So while I know somewhere on the website is A Day in The Life, I’m going to write my own for you. 7:30- Roll out of bed, a rude […]

Dinner @ Doc’s

In my last blog, I mentioned the ten things I missed most about Thacher. One of them was advisee dinners and I’m going to elaborate on them. Last night instead of formal dinner, four other girls and I walked the couple hundred yards up to our advisor’s–Doc. V’s–house. Before we reached the house, the delicious […]

Ten Things I Missed Most about Thacher

10. The Ojai Sunsets-majestic and beautiful, they’re like none other in the world 9. Munch-outs- Nothing beats ending a day eating ice-cream, cookies, and other snacks while hanging with your prefect group. 8. Open House- I still remember my disbelief at the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan have the whole school over every Saturday night, but now […]

Looking Forward

It seems like only days ago I was packing up my Casa room, hugging everyone goodbye, and boarding my plane–and yet here it is the end of summer. I remember this time last year vividly, I was so excited, terrified, but counting the days till Thacher started. This year I’m counting the days till school […]

Slaughtering an Epic

With a new trimester come new teachers, sports, and schedules. This term I got a new English teacher- I’d heard great things about Mrs. Mulligan as a teacher, but no one could tell you quite how wonderful she is until you actually get her as a teacher. Mrs. Mulligan makes the text come alive, brings […]

Math Alive!

Academic experiences at Thacher are so incredible, that it’s hard to choose one that’s stood out of the many I’ve had so far. Being in a classroom at Thacher means that you’re paying attention, bouncing ideas around the room, or listening to your peers’ papers, which sometimes sound as if they were written by college […]

Imagine It!

I can’t believe Parent’s Weekend starts tomorrow. It seems like such a short time ago my parents were dropping me off, a terrified kid who didn’t know anybody. It’s hard to believe that I’ve adjusted to life at Thacher in just six short weeks. Even though I came with riding experience, I never imagined I’d […]