The “13 Keys to the White House” worked again!

Election years are always exciting and this years’ contests were particularly so at the local, state, and national levels. Beginning last year with the closely contested Republican primary and picking up again in September, the campus was buzzing with political discussions about the candidates and important issues. The process reached its climax last week as […]

Election Night

My husband, Derick Perry, and I both advise sophomores: he, boys, and I, girls.  We invited the whole lot of them, 10 total, to our home last night for pizza and election return viewing.  They arrived around 5:30, squeezing together on the couch, sharing chairs, and even sprawling out on the floor in our living […]

Just like old times

Tonight study hall was a little different from the typical study hall. Instead of curling up in our rooms, four other girls and I made our way down to Mrs. And Mr. Mulligan’s house. Mrs. Mully was our advisor last year and as a special advisee reunion, she invited us over to spend study hall […]