First 21 Days

So, I have only been at Thacher for 21 days at the time of this writing (and 5 of those were camping in the Sierra), but I am still having trouble choosing a best moment to tell you about. This should not be a problem for a freshman’s first blog entry—it should be a senior’s problem! However, this is Thacher; the school of challenges and testing limits, so, of course, I am already overflowing with memorable experiences.

In only three weeks here, I have backpacked 20 miles with 40 pounds on my back, cantered after only three days on a horse, learned how to care for an animal ten times my size, already made lasting connections with close friends (camping together for a week without a shower can do that), played tennis with buddies, watched the sun set over the Ojai valley, gone swimming countless times, spoken French with intimidating multi-lingual upperclassmen, danced under the stars, cheered the school on to victory, (so far we’re 3-0), perfected the art of waffle-making, I’ve attended a banquet…not unlike the Hogwarts banquets, played in a drum circle, painted an oil painting, served breakfast and formal dinner, eaten homemade birthday cupcakes, dressed up like a superhero, enjoyed math more than I thought possible, jumped off the high-dive, and written a Toad Blog entry.

Although I knew Thacher would present me with occasions to try new things, this was never what I imagined. I’m beginning to think that this trend of challenge is not going to stop anytime soon… I’ll keep you posted!