3 Years Later

Screen Shot 2015-09-09 at 2.03.58 PMPutting on my senior tank top and sunglasses, I went down to the annual All School Games. The aroma of freshly cut grass and cooked hamburgers filled my nostrils with pleasure and I felt at home. Seeing the nervous smiles and shy glances of freshman reminded me that I, too, was once in their position. I was excited to be a senior, the big kids on the block, the “leaders of the school.” But the more time I stood looking around, I realized I was searching for someone older than me, someone to take charge, someone to begin the games. It was then that it hit me that there was no one to wait for. It was up to me and my classmates to kick off another school year, taking our new place of command as Seniors.

The past three years have flown by like nothing I had ever experienced. It feels like I woke up one day and was suddenly a senior applying to college, able to wander (a Thacher senior privilege), and thinking about my senior exhibition topic. I truly think about what it means to be a senior and get a bit melancholy remembering the good times I have had at Thacher, but I am also overcome with excitement about the opportunities and responsibilities that come with being a senior. As our entire school ran around the new field playing games and getting to know each other as the sun set behind the Ojai mountains, I felt at peace. I promised myself to cherish every moment I had this year, no matter how difficult it may be. Perfectly summarized on our “Class of 2016” senior tank tops: it’s time to “Go B16 or Go Home.”