Fall Sports

zoom_photo345196_4635944Having run cross country last year, I was unsure of what to expect when I decided on JV Tennis for my fall sport. I heard rave reviews about Mr.Carney, the head coach, and the team in general. Since the first day on the court, I knew I had made the right decision to play tennis. There was a variety of skill on the team ranging from those who have never picked up a racket to those who play constantly, but the vibe of the team as a whole was the same, carefree and fun. Everyday after that first practice I have looked forward to going back, the games that we play and the jokes that are made during practice greatly contribute to the fun atmosphere of our team. It was especially helpful knowing that Mr. Carney’s main objective was for us to improve our skills and enjoy tennis. Although we did not have the best record in our league, we had the most fun; and no matter what the score was after each game, every member of our team left the court with a smile on her face. I not only improved my tennis skills while being on the team but I strengthened my old friendships and gained some new friends as well. The great part about Thacher is how wide of a selection you have for almost everything, especially in sports. Additionally, you do not feel tied down once you have played that sport. For example, I ran cross country last year, but every year we must sign up again and if you chose to do a different sport all you have to do is write your name under that sport, it’s that simple! As the fall sports season comes to a close I find myself not wanting to leave my fellow JV tennis ballers, but I do look forward to the winter sports season as another opportunity to improve my skills and have fun.