Why Camping Matters

“Only  at Thacher” is a trademark catchphrase of Thacher students.  We often find ourselves in moments that are unique to the Thacher experience.  These moments range from Sunday morning trap shooting, collecting a silver dollar off the sandy floor of the gymkhana field, and my personal favorite, camping.  By the end of our Thacher career, all of us will have spent at least two months in the California wilderness, free from our daily electronics and connecting with a group of 7 to 13 other students.  To the untrained eye, Thacher camping is a week of sleeping on the ground and collecting dirt on our clothes.   But to us, camping is an essential part of who we are as a community.  The nights on the ground are nights beneath an infinite collection of stars.  They remind us that there is more to the lives we live than meets the eye.  The freedom from electronics shows us that unplugging from your computer and phone is often the best way to plug into yourself.  And the time with each other allows us to see the beauty in each other.