Be. Here. Now.


At assembly today, Owen, the newly elected School Chair, implored us to stop focusing on how fast time is going by as the year comes to an end, and to instead focus on the moments we have left. A glass half full approach to the melancholy laced sprint we face every spring. He said that we shouldn’t think about having only a few weeks left before summer, but instead we should treasure the weeks we still have here. For me lately, this “be here now” sentiment is one that’s more reminiscent of fleeting moments in a yoga class then how I actually approach life. Everything’s a race, everything feels fast. When Owen asked us to slow down and appreciate the here and now, the Thacher School that exists on May 12th but won’t on June 8th, I couldn’t help but think about all the newly minted Toads, scattered across the country and world, who are gearing up to become part of what Thacher will be on September 1st. We are as excited as you are to see you here, but for now I hope each and every one of you slows down to soak in wherever you are. To have the best 8th grade trip ever. To give an amazing capstone talk. To sing in one more middle school concert. To laugh with your friends, hug your families, and appreciate your own here and now. The future is alluring, but nothing beats today. Enjoy it.