Back at the ranch


For me, the school year started in a frenzy of travel. In a matter of days I went from sleeping under the Sierra stars to the middle of mid-town Manhattan, from dusty trails to airport runways. It started to feel a bit too much like that movie “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” as I collected mile after mile on my east coast swing for the admission office. The big upside (besides catching some beautiful fall weather at home) was the chance to start the year off in the most uplifting way possible – meeting kids and families who want to be part of the future of this great school, and getting the chance to tell them about Thacher. In addition to the countless schools, school fairs and families I visited, our office hosted events in DC, New York and Boston, spreading the word about the magic that happens here. Traveling to meet those families is exhilarating, and knowing that I get to come back to this place at the end of the trip makes it all the sweeter. It’s good to be home!