The Beginning of Another Great Year


Passing by the freshmen unpacking I remember what it was like when I first arrived on campus. I was nervous about meeting new people, living on my own and starting classes. I remember how worried I was that I might not enjoy it here or that I may be over stressed by work, but that was never the case. Now coming back for my second year at Thacher the nervousness has been replaced by excitement and all my worries have gone away. I look forward to living on my own again and seeing my teachers who have helped me so much this past year. Only four weeks into school and we already have had Ojai Night, school dances and activities to become closer with our class. I can not wait to continue on at Thacher and continue to make such great memories with some pretty awesome people.

Sometimes I think that the beginning of the school year is like a ocean wave. A little rough and a little overwhelming when unpacking, meeting new people, and being assigned your first essay of the school year. But after it passes by you, it becomes still and beautiful. Just like the ocean wave after it passes you become accustomed to Thacher, learn to manage your time and become amazed in the many ways in which its beauty never fails to surprise you. From the gorgeous sunsets to the munch outs  to the one-on-one time you receive with your teacher and the smiling faces of all your friends. Thacher and all of it’s students and faculty members never fails to put a smile on my face. I can not wait to see what the future holds and I am so excited to began a new chapter in my life at Thacher.