Let’s Go XC!


With the first month of school under our belts, the fall sports season is well underway.  Starting in late August, preseason athletes from all different teams- football, volleyball, horseback riding, tennis- came back to Thacher for a week of rigorous training before the new year.

For me, this meant coming back for cross country- one of the most exciting and rewarding sports the school offers.  Arriving on campus the year prior I never could have imagined I would have fallen in love with a sport like running.  I had never run more than a mile in my entire life- and I was sure that I was never going to.  But something drew me to it, more than groups of girls giggling and laughing as they ran past or the cool trophies they brought back and presented to Mr. Mulligan.  I can’t put my finger on the exact reason I started but once I did, I promised I wouldn’t stop.  I ran almost everyday of the summer and came to Thacher ready and excited to start the season.  The last month in itself has been eventful, and with three races done it looks like its going to be an eventful few months.  The boys are ranked #3 in our division and the girls #4 and everyone is looking forward to how far we can take the teams.  With so many amazing runners, inspiring coaches, and solid team spirit I am excited to see what the season will bring.

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