Last Camping Trip

IMG_3956A week ago today I finished my last Thacher camping trip! It was a pretty ideal trip: smooth sailing the whole way, good food, and a perfect mix of old friends and new underclassmen to get to know. The hiking was easy and enjoyable, and we had plenty of free afternoons to swim in the Kern River, sunbathe on warm rocks, read books, play cards, nap in the shade, and even fish. As wonderful a last trip as that was, though, we of course fantasized about our first meal out of the woods at In N’ Out or Starbucks, our first shower, first cold drink, etc. If nothing else, camping definitely makes you appreciate the basics of civilization!

Although I chose a restful and easy-going backpacking trip, many of my peers had completely different adventures. Some backpacked more than 70 miles in the five days, and others went biking, horseback riding, kayaking, or even canoeing on the Colorado River. There was a backpacking trip advertised as “a culinary adventure,” and a kayaking expedition with a marine biology education element.

Over my four years at Thacher, I’ve been lucky enough to take six backpacking trips, sail around Santa Cruz island, and work on a cattle ranch for a week, and take three smaller weekend trips. I’ve learned competence in the wilderness, discovered how most challenges to overcome are mental, not physical, seen some of the beautiful wilderness in California, and gotten to know peers and faculty in a way that you only can outside of the campus environment.

So, I guess, one last thing: if you’re reading this and thinking about coming to Thacher, don’t be afraid of trying something new! Chances are, you won’t regret it.