Goodbye Freshman Year…

zoom_photo100922_733138So it’s finally here… the end of freshman year has arrived and it’s time to celebrate the accomplishments, growth, and change the last nine months has brought.  This includes the final banquet, which every boys and girls dorm hosts towards the end of the year.  The banquet is filled with good food, tears and off course, plenty of laughs.  With this being such a bittersweet time it was fun to have an all-dorm get together, to reflect on the year and to enjoy our limited time with the prefects.  The banquet started with a sit-down meal and ended with the prefects (graduating in less than a week!) standing up and speaking  about each girl for a few minutes.  They talked about their favorite moments and what they’d miss at college.  By the end, all the girls were reduced to tears.  The banquet helped us to realize how short Thacher really is- it was onIy a matter of months ago that I was boarding a plane from New York to California and by the end of next week, I will be 25% done with high school.  One of the greatest pieces of advice that the prefects gave us was to cherish the next few years–they go quickly and without notice.  Despite the sadness over the seniors’ leaving, I am excited to be a sophomore.  Having a roommate, engaging in a full sports schedule and (of course) a later bedtime are all things to look forward to.  See you next year!