Senior Ex Weekend

zoom_photo214699_2454677Hello there!

The wonderful week of Senior Exhibitions approaches once again! For those who don’t know, a Sr. Ex is a specific topic that each Senior chooses at the beginning of Senior year to research over the course of the school year. At the end of the year, the Senior presents their work to the entire school on his/her topic of choice, and as a community, we learn from our peers.

Juniors play a small role in this program by serving as a “Junior Helper,” carrying out a variety of tasks including (but not limited to) working slides, providing feedback, taking attendance at the presentation, and of course, looking pretty. I am fortunate enough to be Sandy’s Junior helper, and his topic is on the economics of the video game industry. As a gaming enthusiast, his topic was something that I could definitely relate to, and as such, it was no surprise that Sandy asked me to be his helper. I’m super excited about the whole ordeal and getting pumped to see all the different presentations!

Additionally, the Juniors have been getting ready to become the on-campus leaders next year’ here at Thacher. We’ve been filling out Senior leadership applications and getting interviewed by the different responsible faculty members to really see who’s going to take on which responsibility. One of the jobs I am applying for is prefectship. In my interviews, the dorm heads have been asking me great questions about being a mentor and a leader. It’s definitely something to be thinking about, but also, I feel I am starting to take the steps to become the leaders of this wonderful community.

That’s all I have right now. Later!
