The Home Stretch…

orig_photo221258_2637097As I head down the home stretch of my Thacher career, I think about the beginning of my time here.  I was just a fourteen year old girl drawn by the wonders of the world.  Never would I have thought, as an eighth grader, that I would become the person I am today. For those of you considering whether or not to come, I can honestly say that being a student at Thacher has been the greatest honor and privilege.  The openness and sense of community at Thacher is unlike any other place.  At Thacher, you go to school with some of the brightest and talented peers, and learn from some of the most caring and passionate teachers.  I could go on about all the great things about Thacher — but what I really love about this school is the opportunity you get to take risks, explore your interests, and find a sense of individuality.  I know that because of the opportunities presented to me here, whether it be horseback riding, a history elective, or camping, I’ve grown into a mature, thoughtful, and compassionate individual.  Leaving home to come to Thacher wasn’t particularly easy, but when I add up the experiences that I’ve had here, I know can easily say that I made the right choice to come.