New Year’s Resolutions

Year 2013 is here… Never thought it would come so quickly. The year when I graduate, the year when I become an adult, the year for me. Only two years away til the day, according to Back to the Future, we will drive flying cars.

My new year’s resolution is to:

a) Get into college. Chances are pretty high I’ll get into at least one of the ten schools I applied to… right?

b) Be nicer! Think before you speak! You know, the general “self-improvement” dealio.

c) Do things that I won’t get judged on as a college student. Recently, during an alumni-senior meeting, an alumni told us that there is a level of unavoidable responsibility that comes with becoming a college student. So before I take on that task, I want to enjoy myself.

It’s strange. In less than 13 years, I’ll be 30. I apologize in advance to the older blog readers, but I feel old. But you know what they say, it gets better with age…