A Fresh Perspective

Coming out of a lovely three-week vacation, the fact that the seniors only have a few more months here has struck me with frightening force. As each classic Thacher milestone passes, I cannot help but consider how they’ll be my last.

This will probably be my last season ever playing a team sport. Suddenly, like never before, I’m savoring sunset scrimmages on the Upper Field, long car rides to away games, and just the simple camaraderie that comes with being on a team.

Like many seniors, I’m trying to make sure that I appreciate every last Thacher moment, and keep a positive attitude, even in the face of applications, tests, and senior exhibition deadlines.

More specifically, though, I hope to accomplish a few things before graduation: I’ve made plans with a friend to fit in a pre-classes sunrise trail run, and I hope to go on a few more hikes and horseback rides in our beautiful mountains as well. I still haven’t run to town, and my hope to prepare and eat an elaborate meal with a friend will happen, I’ll make sure, soon.

Most importantly, over the next two trimesters I want to spend as much time as possible with my class. Although I’ll miss the faculty, campus, sports, academics, horses, and camping when I move on to college, I know that it’ll be my peers, those fantastic sixty-nine seniors whom I’ve grown up with over the past few years, that’ll I’ll miss the most.