10, 9, 8, 7…

Run more.

Go to the gym.

Eat better.

Drink less coffee.

Get more sleep.



We all have those New Years’ Resolutions we make on December 31st and ones that slowly dissolve into nothingness by January 5th or 6th.   Here at Thacher, commitment and hard work are two big cornerstones of life, as Mr. Mulligan speaks of them frequently.  Being here for a few months now, and having settled in, I have to admit that these ideas play huge roles in how our lives work.  My 2013 New Year’s Resolution is to get involved.  It sounds general, I know, but it needs to last the year, after all!  Even though I’m already participating in everything from girls’ basketball to music lessons, the opportunities here abound.  Every club, activity and interest thrives here and I hope to say “yes” to more of these opportunities not just in 2013, but in the rest of my Thacher career.  With more opportunities comes more experience, which can never be a bad thing.  Time to get started!