Fall Wrap-Up

Wow. It’s hard to believe fall trimester is already over! It really has gone by so fast. The difference between September and now is massive. My fellow classmates, people who were strangers to me three months ago, are now some of my best friends.With everyone living so close to each other, we have so many special memories that could only be made at Thacher. Fall trimester has been a crazy one, but now that I’m settled in, it feels like I’ve lived here all my life.  Thacher has challenged me in ways I never thought possible. There were definitely some times where I felt really afraid and really frustrated- if my horse is misbehaving, or I have too much homework, or when the last thing I want to do is wake-up and muck stalls; but all of these things have already made me a better person. And the pros most definitely outweigh the cons. Overall, I am really happy with the fall trimester, and really happy to be at Thacher.