Two Months and Counting….

Is it really thanksgiving break already? It seems as if it was just yesterday when I was moving in and meeting all my classmates for the first time. These past two months at Thacher have been filled with new experiences and opportunities one normally wouldn’t have. The transition from my life back home in New Jersey to the one here at Thacher was quite different. I was not used to the teaching styles, work load or expectations, but all the teachers seemed to really understand this and help us out. Along with working hard, we also had lots of fun. After a long day of riding and classes our prefects would surprise us with munch-outs, midnight swimming, dodgeball against the boys or even something as simple but as welcomed as a hug. Along with activities in school, Thacher also organizes other fun occasions outside of school such as Santa Barbara Night, concerts, and town trips. Having a balance between the work we receive and the amount of time we have to be with our friends really helps ease the transition even more, especially for us freshmen. Being a freshmen at any school can be quite intimidating, but here at Thacher all the upperclassmen are kind, understanding, and willing to help you out. It has only been two months since I have come to Thacher and I have already experienced so many great new things, I can’t wait for what the rest of the year has in store.