Only Getting Older…But I’m Excited!

Although hard to imagine, when I came to Thacher I wasn’t troubled with the exact logistics of my future. I knew I wanted a challenge and I succeeded in finding it. What I had failed to do is something normal for an average 13-year-old. I failed to think about what I was to do after Thacher–what my next step would be. I was too invested in trying to make my horse turn around poles on the right lead, too busy trying to get good grades on Mr. Carney essays, too interested in making friends during my 9:30-10:00 PM (study break time), and too focused on the art of flipping quesadillas at the Mulligan’s Open House.

As a freshman, I was a careless, naive child unaware of the expectations  that would come sooner than later. The thought of going to college hadn’t hit me until the end of my Sophomore year. I was signing up for Junior year classes and after I signed the paper, I realized what your average 40-50 year old comes to terms with during his/her mid-life crisis. I’m only getting older, but I’m excited for what lies ahead. Years ago I probably would never believe it, but I am a 16-year-old Junior at the Thacher School, taking AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Literature, AP Spanish, U.S. History, and Math IV Honors. This is the full plate that I was excited for in coming to Thacher. And now I can look forward to whatever challenges await me.

And I’m only getting older.