Bring Out the Experts

It has only been a few weeks back at Thacher and already we’ve had a number of wonderful speakers/ visitors. Frequently, we have speakers of numerous professions give lectures or workshops. I enjoyed learning from visiting poet, Bruce Smith, who taught English classes, recited his poems, lead discussions, held workshops, and more. Another recent was Dr. Liaquat Ahamed , 2010 Pullitzer Prize Winner in History, who gave a lecture on finance and the economy now and in history. While, everyone favors different topics, there is always tons of information learned, particularly on current events, when it is easy to become caught up in a busy schedule. I love going to a school where I meet acclaimed intellectuals I would most likely never have met. So while we focus on the upcoming test and next week’s game, we get to learn about our interests from the experts and remain aware of the world.