
‘Tis the season to be jolly!!! It is now December, and temperatures are getting to the low 40s. A bunch of stuff happened since the last update. We had tryouts for the winter musical, of which I am still awaiting the cast list. There were a LOT of people who auditioned, and all the guys worked so hard for their dance auditions. We’re doing Curtains, a Broadway musical about a detective who goes to investigate after an actress is killed on a show’s opening night. Showception, anyone?

Other than that, I recently started riding again and it’s been really fun. I’ve spent time working on my AR, or Advanced Rider’s Test, which is a more refined version of the Rider’s test all Freshmen have to go through. School has been busy, as always, and the planning for a ski trip in February has started. It’s going to be a blast!