
This sports season, I decided to pick up Volleyball. I was ready for something new. I hadn’t touched a volleyball since 6th grade! But from the get-go, my coach and my teammates built up my confidence in the game, and helped me develop my volleyball skills. As I said before, I hadn’t played in 4 years and even then it was far from serious, but thanks to the guidance of my team and coach, I now play libero, the position that is responsible for back row passing. Sadly, today marks the final volleyball game of the season! The JV team has surpassed all of the expectations that lingered from seasons past… we have the best record of wins that the JV team has ever had! The most miraculous accomplishment we have to our names is the defeat of Laguna Blanca, a team we have not defeated in 25 years. Additionally, our team, small in number, large in stature and spirit, is bonded to one another at an almost absurd and unheard of degree. I don’t want volleyball season to end, as it has brought me such a unique and fun experience. Well, on to soccer…