Upper School Celebration

There are moments at Thacher where sitting back and enjoying the view is actually the best thing in the whole wide world. While, in many cases this view is a literal sunset, in some, it’s the commotion of getting a bunch of adolescent boys to sing in front of their parents on parents weekend. This parent’s weekend was the 100th anniversary of my dorm, upper school, where all the junior (and most of the) senior boys live. As you can imagine, it’s a riot house of brotherly…love. But now and then we get those rare moments where we can show off our incredible ability to have fun, and in this case it happened to be on parents weekend with literally hundreds of parents watching us, and we got the opportunity to show off just how off key we really could sing. Twice. That’s right, we got to show off just how incredibly out of tune and not on the beat we can sing. With two different songs. And while yes, we may have made fools of our selves, (really though, what are adolescent boys better at, right?) it just goes to show how great a community Thacher is, when, regardless of how awful our singing may have been, we left that stage to roaring applause and a lot of laughter and camaraderie among the “bros.” Upper school bro for life.