Bring it on, Winter!

My first trimester here at Thacher has been a blast. I have enjoyed just about every moment of it, from hilarious class discussions to casual conversations at the barns to lazy Sundays by the pool. But, now that the nervousness and feeling of being “new” here has slowly faded away, I can definitely say that I am more than ready for this transition from the fall trimester into the winter trimester. I am looking forward to so much throughout these upcoming months! When I return from Thanksgiving break, I will definitely be excited to ride. Riding has become a million times more fun and interesting now that saddling my horse has gone from a half hour task to five minutes at most, and I have been getting a few short previews at how good it feels to go fast (and I mean FAST) on Tamulena (my horse).

I am also pumped for basketball season. This year, we get to have a freshmen team since there are so many of us that play. This is perfect because since freshmen only get to practice two times a week (we must ride five days a week), everyone is on an even playing field in terms of how much we play. And then there’s always looking forward to jumping right back into Thacher life: resuming those class discussions, playing Ping-Pong and pool in the commons, socializing right after study hall and before check-in, and even having those moments when you stop and truly appreciate the amazing view you have no matter where you stand on campus (that sounds very cliché, but trust me, it happens.)

All in all, as much as I have enjoyed making the most of my first few months at this amazing place, I’m psyched to turn the page and dive right into this winter trimester. As the air cools and every last bit of that block of nervousness has been shattered, I can begin to truly appreciate how amazing Thacher is not only as a school, but as a place to live.