Advisory Good Times

All things are chugging along here. In classes, we’ve been reading The Odyssey, writing an in-class essay, and learning about lenses. Still, our advisors check in with us for advisee dinner and individual meetings. My advisory group, containing four other freshmen girls, is led by one of the teachers, Ms. Halsey. You get a chance to interact with other students and teachers you might not usually talk to, but I still appreciate getting away from campus every now and then. The kitchen happens to have really good food, better than any other school I’ve been to. Even as a vegetarian and being know as a picky eater at home, I have found plenty of favorites and there’s always something to eat. I love the pasta bars at dinner and crepes or omelets during brunch on the weekends. Brunch is truly my favorite meal. But I digress. The advisee dinners give the opportunity for food outside the Thacher bubble and getting advice from an advisor. Discussion can be about important, serious topics, but often it’s just a chance to hang out and catch up. At times, it’s easy to get caught up in one’s own schedule, but advisee dinners are just one of the ways that act as reminders to slow down.