Trading East Coast Ice for Powder

Before Thacher I’d always been a fairly good skier, plus being from the East Coast, my skiing experiences were made up of navigating icy terrain in sub-zero weather. The thought that you could ski in powder when it was 60 degrees out or even in California had never crossed my mind, until Thacher gave me the opportunity to try skiing under these conditions.
Last weekend about 50 of us boarded onto two buses for the six hour drive to Mammoth Mountain. Where we spent two days skiing and enjoying being off campus for the weekend. It was one of the best weekends I’ve ever had and yet even though it was away from Thacher, the people I was with were still the amazing people I interact with every day–and, of course, Thacher was the reason I was there.
Thacher gives you so much more than just an education, but opens doors to try new things or expand upon existing talents. These experiences and adventures make it so much more than a school, but a place to learn to love live and what it has to offer and to find out who you are.