It’s all about Team

The basketball season is over, unfortunately, for this year. We had a great season:6-0 champs in the Condor League! (we made it to the second round of playoffs). In retrospect, I had an amazing time with this year’s group and am greatly sad to transition from basketball to a spring sport. The dynamic of this year’s group (four seniors, two juniors, five sophomores, and two freshmen) made the season incredibly fun. From the bench, observations of the game always entailed cringing at the sound of someone sliding across the court, waiting in suspense while a teammate takes a free throw shot, or cheering enthusiastically when my team scored a basket. Beyond the games, however, I remember training meals, road trips, team dinners, themed practices, and sense of camaraderie between everyone. Our interest in basketball brought us together as a team, but time spent together without basketball brought us even closer. I am thankful to have embarked on this wonderful journey with all my teammates and can’t wait for the next two years to come.