Busy’s How it Is

Tonight I’m sitting in my room staring at my computer screen, trying to write an essay on economic expansion during the end of the 19th century. So far I have my thesis: “The forces of unrestrained capitalism allowed for a small number of powerful interest groups to have an inordinate amount of power and that made it difficult for farmers, labors, and Indians to fulfill their democratic potential.”

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

Thinking about all the work I have in the next few weeks makes me a little nervous. Biology video presentation, history essay, Envi Sci test, Math test, English reading, responses, and an essay, Chinese test, and then finals. Lots of finals. Three hours of each. That will amount to 12 hours of finals. I can’t believe we only have a week and half left of this sports season. It feels like yesterday that we got back from break. If school seems busy, then my weekends are worse (in a good kind of way). This weekend I’ll be heading up to Mammoth for some skiing, while next weekend I’m heading to Los Angeles to check out the Farmer’s Market and then LACMA for culture weekend. After that we have a horse show 7 hours away at Stanford. Then final exams.

But finals are a little too much to think about now. Right now I have to work on getting through this essay.