Trail Mix

Coming back from winter vacation in New York, I’d forgotten how warm it could be here. These past few days have been hot, but not too hot—a perfect day for riding. In my horseback riding group, we’ve been working on practicing for the riders’ test for the most part. Passing the riders’ test means more freedom and is composed of different riding and safety skills. Other than that, we do trails- a personal favorite. The group of us take the leisurely stroll-along paths. Some are easier and others are more out of the way, reaching great heights. The views are always spectacular. Looking down to see the entirety of Thacher or the burning colors of the sunset is worth the trek of a long journey and pushing aside branches and brush. Not just trails, but trails in particular, stand out as peaceful moment where I feel content with myself and being with my horse- Little Jo, the darling, not-so-little mare that I take care of and ride. So, despite the morning when I’d rather not get out of bed and muck a stall, in the end, it’s worth it to be with a horse I get along with and love to ride.