Poetry and Chill

As shocking as it is to believe, winter is here among us in Ojai. A plethora of Patagonias, camping fleeces and Thacher knit caps can be seen on campus. My friend and I were even convinced that there was snow on the roof of Casa, our dormitory, but alas, it was just water. I swear, from the view at Lower School it looked like snow! Maybe the unexpected cold chill is leading my friend Elle and I into seeing things that aren’t even there! Even though the cold weather is a bit of a shock, it leads to many good things like roasting marshmallows and making s’mores in the Casa common room, the glorious light during the afternoons that reminds me of the Emily Dickenson poem, “There’s a Certain Slant of Light” and the community’s inclination to wear cozy clothes especially on Ugly Sweater Day.