Making More Time

This morning I decided to wake up quite early—well, early for a Sunday at least. I love how immediately after I mustered the strength to wake up, I found that I had just added more than three hours to my weekend. The campus is quite different on weekend mornings, at least for an upperclassman. After taking a shower, I opted to going to the dining hall for brunch. I was able to choose from several delicious options; anything from steak to freshly made omelettes. I opted for an omelette with bacon, ham, onions, and cheese—yum! I sat down and was soon joined by a few of my friends; we discussed the recent news and had a couple of laughs.

What I love about Thacher is the wide and accepting community; I can sit down with anyone and have an engaging conversation. After breakfast, I went up to my room and started my U.S. History paper—no procrastination for me! Even though the weekend was all too short, I’m looking forward to the next week of classes.