I’m a sophomore!

Being a sophomore is great. Seriously, it’s the best. The excitement of being new hasn’t worn off yet, but I know where everything (well, most things) is and I’m nearly fluent in Thacher-speak. When someone tells me they came back from their EDT early to take the ACT before heading off to rehearsal at the […]

The Best of the Unexpected

“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst,” is commonly advised to campers before heading out on Extra Day Trips. Though I have often taken this to mean, “Don’t forget your rainfly and bring enough sunscreen to share with everyone who forgets,” my adventures through the Southern Sierra last week demonstrated that this phrase should be applied […]

Sense Memory

They say that sense is a powerful tool in evoking memory – you smell your grandmother’s perfume and are immediately transported back to age 8.  You taste a fresh strawberry and think of summer. As someone new to Ojai, and somewhat prone to melodrama, I’ve been thinking recently about the sights, sounds and smells that […]