Film Screenings

On Friday night after the discussion and Q & A, we will show the following movie (scored by panelist James Newton Howard) for the entire School:

On Tuesday and Wednesday of “Dead Week” and on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons of Arts Weekend, the following 6 films will be offered for optional viewings in various on-campus venues. In some cases, the filmmakers will facilitate short, informal discussions of their movies after the screening. (See also: Schedule of Events)

See also:

AVC: There’s an interesting sense that the film is set in a fantasy world, but it’s taken from real life. How did you balance those elements?

BZ: I don’t know. It’s hard to say. The film started more fantastically. I think when I just imagine something—I come from an animation background—I will imagine a folk tale in this heightened universe. And then, as we make the film, that fantasy gets pulled through a filter of reality, and only what feels true and what can be built from real things is what ends up remaining, and everything else goes away. So I think it’s about taking this heightened folk tale and collaborating with the people that play the parts, who are all real people from the area, disciplining the scenes so their stories and their point of view and their language… I would imagine the geography in a town with a 25-foot wall and then right on the other side was the other world, but that doesn’t actually exist. But you get down to the bottom of Louisiana, and then you drive over the levee, and there’s this tiny little road that goes for three miles to this tiny little island called the Isle De Jean Charles. And so you find that place, and that geography doesn’t make any sense with your script, but then you just throw the script out and rewrite the film to reflect that place, because you want to find your story in the world and then let the world be the story, as opposed to just your vision being the story.

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