Stephen Scott ’71

Unique times we’re in. Lynne, our kids and their kids, are all handling the Covid-19 event well, and our son-in-law’s deployment (Marine pilot) was postponed, so that’s a great thing! We’re feeling lucky that we have only the first-world problems of missed skiing and missed trips, and that in retirement we’ve figured out how to […]

Lanlan Jin ’07

Hello from a magical Japanese spring! Are you well? I am visiting my Japanese hometown in the countryside of Nara Prefecture. Walking amidst drifting cherry blossom petals, I am reminded of the wonderful walks under starry night skies at Thacher. There’s a Japanese saying “ichi go ichi e”, which translates to “each encounter, precious encounter” […]

Jennifer Utman Sommer ’90

So much going on with life here in Pacific Palisades. Having spent nearly a couple of decades with Food & Wine magazine, I recently transitioned into my second career as a granola baker with my line of Sommer House granola. Nationwide distribution and lots of buzz have kept me busy on the work front while […]