Josh Rosenblatt ’76

Kate (EW ’76) and I still loving living in New England, and this summer will mark 16 years since we’ve lived here (longest I’ve ever lived in one place). Our younger daughter has been in Central America for the past four years and married her Guatemalan love last November. The ceremony was held in some […]

Mike Baldwin ’52

Jim Lipman and Judy came upon a letter to the editor of Archaeology magazine written by Mike Baldwin. It is reprinted below along with its accompanying photo. A Cowboy Remembers Thank you for your article “Ballad of the Paniolo” (.January/February 2016).  I was born on Maui in 1934 and spent much time at Ulupalakua Ranch, […]

Laurel A. Poolman ’10

I am now a junior at the George Washington University majoring in Archaeology with a minor in Biological Anthropology. After my freshman year, I won the Biblical Archaeology Scholarship which enabled me to spend six weeks working on a 3500 year old Canaanite palace in Northern Israel (Tel Kabri). I then decided to bum my […]