Mark Whitley ’10

Mark Whitley 2010 and Katie Berkelmans were married in London, Ontario, on June 29, 2019. After 11 years, thousands of miles, multiple schools and different cities, including Mark’s time at Thacher, they were finally long enough in one place to celebrate their enduring love. Today they live happily together in Toronto. Mark Whitley CdeP 2010

Carol McConnell ’81

I joined CdeP 1981 classmates Dianna Marguleas Dar, Marci Dabbs, Leila Hemaidan, Carolyn Chandler, and Criss Leydecker Troast in Santa Barbara for a fun weekend celebrating shared memories of our years at Thacher. What a joy it was to spend time with life-long friends. Also, I retired in April. Today’s Veterinary Business article Carol McConnell […]

Steve Peletz ’77

Steve Peletz recently founded Deep Blue Monthly and began helping shark biologists tag and track tiger sharks and hammerhead sharks in the Eastern Pacific (Costa Rica and Mexico) in 2015. He has personally tagged tiger sharks and photographed and filmed numerous shark species underwater around the Pacific, the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean off of […]