Charlton Lewis ’48

I was deeply saddened by the recent death of our classmate Bud Lester. Bud and I roomed together on the third floor of the Upper School. We were both on the gymkhana team. We camped together on extra day trips in the Sespe. And much else. Bud may have been the most popular guy in […]

Rodd Kelsey ’85

Greetings fellow Toads. In these uncertain times, I hope everyone is doing as well as possible and staying healthy. We are doing fine and while my wife works in healthcare, we’ve avoided any direct impacts so far. I’m still living in Sacramento after 17 years. I continue to work for The Nature Conservancy, now leading […]

John Busterud ’72

I was recently appointed as Regional Administrator for United States Environmental Protection Agency,  Region 9. The Region, headquartered in San Francisco, is responsible for administering and enforcing federal environmental laws and programs in California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, 148 Tribes, and the Pacific Island Territories. I lead EPA efforts to protect the environment and advance public […]