Alexandra Herbert van Helden ’02

After the birth of our second child last year (Maya, 11 mos. Peter 2.75 yrs.), I left my job in health care to become an executive coach. I currently work with managers and executives, from startups to large corporations, to improve individual and team performance. My husband and I still live in San Francisco and […]

Sarah Morrow ’00

I moved from San Francisco to Ojai for a change of pace and scenery and I am loving life here. I adopted a puppy and it’s such a treat to take Tintin up to Thacher… he loves watching soccer games and is mesmerized by the horses. I work in travel so I’m often away exploring […]

Madi Manson ’09

Living in Portland, Oregon, I’m finishing up my BFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art, studying printmaking and textile arts. I am currently deep in the throws of my thesis concerning the joy and beauty of the objects within everyday life through visual explorations in screen printing, letterpress books, and quilt making. Madi Manson CdeP […]