Rika Howe Toll ’94

We continue to marvel and baulk at the world during 2020. A daily roller coaster of ups and downs. Both Nate ’94 (high school) and I (early childhood) are still teaching in person at Heritage Hall in Oklahoma City. See attached picture of Nate’s physics class. Our teenage daughters Adelaide and Josephine also keep us […]

Joshua Jade ’91

Meet Julian! Yup, a one year old and a teenager and I couldn’t be more blessed. Otherwise, still out here trying to make some music (remotely at the moment) with my ensemble Sonic Liberation Players. Stay safe, be strong, and keep an eye out for those in need during these trying times. sonicliberation.com Much love, […]

David Shor ’88

Hey Toads. I’m enjoying the Advil Years. Two teenage girls, Sara (17) and Jessica (16) who are great kids. Running a venture capital fund (SM Venture Partners), digital marketing agency (Prove.it) and Vacation Home Rental company (Wanderhome.com which will be launched soon!). Looking forward to the Reunion! David Shor CdeP 1988