Rika Howe Toll ’94

Snowbella Farm now has a grand arena for our equestrian daughters (Adelaide, 11 and Josephine, 9) and we have hosted mounted meetings for Fiesta Pony Club. I now teach full time at a local Elementary school. Nate continues as a Senior scientist at Southwest Research Institute, but finds time to swim Escape from Alcatraz a […]

Eugene Lewis ’93

I want to thank all my ridiculously transcendent teachers from Thacher. In particular, there is one visiting teacher, Diana Nieves-Miranda, who should know how much she has meant to my life of music and service. I am teaching voice lessons and singing here and there, mostly in and around Portland, Oregon. I am a program […]

Chris Henze ’59

Reflections on South Africa Watching BBC World’s excellent coverage of Nelson Mandela’s life, I remember calling my children to the TV in 1990 to witness his release from prison, truly history in the making. (The only other time I did that was for the overthrow of Ceausescu.) It’s interesting to see world leaders united in […]